The Netherlands has had political and diplomatic ties with France for centuries. Sometimes France was an ally, sometimes an enemy. Napoleon occupied the Netherlands and his brother Lodewijk turned our country into a monarchy of which he himself was the first king. In Paris we found addresses where Dutch people – including diplomats, writers, artists and architects – lived or worked. To start with, we have made two audio tours which take you along houses and studios of Dutch painters, graphic artists and sculptors. You will also discover locations that have been recorded by them in their work and that can still be recognized in the current streets, for example Boulevard de Clichy, and various windmills in Montmartre as painted by Vincent van Gogh, and places along the Seine by Johan Barthold Jongkind. Other famous Dutch artists in our audio tours include George Breitner, Kees van Dongen, Piet Mondriaan, Karel Appel and Corneille.
For the audio tours about Dutch painters in Paris, we worked closely with the RKD – Netherlands Institute for Art History in The Hague.
The audio tours about Dutch artists in Paris were commissioned by the Dutch Embassy in France.